Imagine while you are travelling within Canada or Overseas and suddenly you got a text from your Flight operator that your Flight has been Cancelled, or there is uncertain Medical emergency and there is no help left with you. You will be on your own scary, Right? With trustworthiness as our driving rule, we intend to give protection arrangements that our group is pleased to speak to, brokers want to suggest, and customers can buy with certainty. Whitehorse Financial has introduced various Travel Insurance for everyone. No matter you are under 30 or above, all has been covered by Whitehorse Financial. Some benefits of travel insurance:
- Financial protection for as little as $10 per day for a 3-day trip if you are under 30.
- Uncertain medical emergency can be covered no matter if you in Overseas or in Canada
- You will be safely Evacuated and returned home up to $100000
- 24/7 Travel assistance covered worldwide.
- Baggage and personal effects: passport, travel visa, and travel tickets loss up to $800
- Travel accident up to $100,000
Some of the famous Travel insurance plans:
- Travelers of any age
- Travelers under 30 years of age
- Travelers up to the age of 89